There was a twinkle in his eye | Teen Ink

There was a twinkle in his eye

March 18, 2015
By Lauren Shoaf BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
Lauren Shoaf BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a twinkle in his eye
Making his green eyes glow in the sunlight
Which paralyzed my thoughts for a split second
I knew that the iceberg of mystery floating in them
would keep me guessing for an unseen time

There was a twinkle in his eye
Where I could see the unconditional love
The twinkle in his eye slowly drifted into mine
I knew that I was suspended in mid-air, falling
at a rate faster than I'd ever known in my sixteen years

There was a twinkle in his eye
Blinding me from reality where
I only saw him and his ideas and his twinkle
Night after night, I felt my heart grow perfectly into his
like two hands that fit comfortably in one another

There was a twinkle in his eye
It was growing rapidly like a plant with perfect sunlight
while mine was fading, disappearing
Our nights became drowned out hours
Laying, isolated in our own thoughts

There was a twinkle in his eye
We were both trapped in the ongoing cycle of assumed love
Convenient like the way you love someone because it's expected
A perfect storm that never seemed to stop drizzling
but I was the only one getting soaked

There was a twinkle in his eye
It fluttered for a passing moment when our world stood still
But mine was turned off like a candle,
being blow out by an innocent boy on his third birthday
My twinkle was gone forever and his was still shining brighter

There was a twinkle in his eye
While I felt like a wine glass,
that had been dropped out of clumsiness and distraction
Shattering into pieces so small they seemed to be invisible
The thought of him and her never left my head

There was a twinkle in his eye
When their journey started the millisecond ours ended
Their shadows looming over me like a storm cloud on a rainy day
While I had no twinkle in my eye
stuck in a recurring nightmare

There was a twinkle in his eye
It radiated when he spoke of her
While I sat pouting like a toddler in a time out
His words rolling off his lips with ease and satisfaction
In a way he never glowed when he uttered words about me

There was a twinkle in his eye
But I was disintegrating internally
Transformed by a passing thought
Minute after minute I longed for a twinkle
that was beautiful like mine used to be

There was a twinkle in my eye
Barely peeking through
Putting me back together
like the pieces of a puzzle that has been sitting out for months
Longing to show the brightness I portrayed

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