Your Absence Lingers On My Tongue | Teen Ink

Your Absence Lingers On My Tongue

March 1, 2015
By Brookeee GOLD, Newnan,
Brookeee GOLD, Newnan,
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel your absence lingering at the tip of my tongue as I still choke on that last goodbye. I feel your wet lips delicately leave mine. And then, again. I can still feel your body pressed against mine all that time ago, and I long for it. Where the once lie solace and your fingertips, now bares burden and sin. Will you have me? If this is the closest I come to heaven, you crystal kisses will be the greeting at the golden gate, I’m sure of it. I can still feel your breath in the nape of my neck and your eyes caressing my flaws. Will you have me? I breathe in your unceasing beauty and waft at the perfume of your delicacy. Your embrace is my safe haven, my refuge. And I love you. And I love you. I love you. Will you have me?

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