Passing Time | Teen Ink

Passing Time

March 2, 2015
By teeamalser BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
teeamalser BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

ticking past,
leaving life blurred,
lost in a sea of memories.
abandoning you in its wake.
You flounder,
struggling to stay afloat.
The waves of lost opportunities
of age,
wash over you,
pushing you down,
towards the ocean floor.

I remember when I once flew
When I never bothered to look down at the depths,
When I defied gravity.
But now I am grounded,
I see the pain,
I see the despair,
I see the sadness
in those around me.
Time has given me life,
but time has also destroyed it. 

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