A Midnight Melody | Teen Ink

A Midnight Melody

March 2, 2015
By teeamalser BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
teeamalser BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her long, graceful hands dance along the white keys of the piano.
A single candle illuminates the scene,
moving and swaying with the music as if it is possessed,
As if it has a life of its own.
The song flows out of the room,
making its way around the house like a cold mist creeping over the hill.
It moves down the hallways,
into every corner of the house.
Enveloping what it comes to touch.
The world seems to slow down,
keeping time with the enchanting notes.
Altering its patterns. 
Straining to hear every nuance of the piece.
She is but a silhouette,
melting into the form of the piano,
becoming one with it,
becoming one with the music.
In this moment, she has conquered the world.
Her long, graceful hands dance along the white keys of the piano.

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