Generation | Teen Ink


February 3, 2015
By Cheyenne Shelby BRONZE, Cordova, Tennessee
Cheyenne Shelby BRONZE, Cordova, Tennessee
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I continue to think 
About the daily situations that happen
In our generation
Hating is spreading
Like the movie contagion
The virus is spreading
Through the iris
Because everything we see
Influences us to be
The very people we
Idolize on tv
He, she, they, we
Are all expected to be
Something other than me
You, them, they can
Never understand the uniqueness
Every person displays
Why should you have to change
Gun shots heard by many everyday
The Same many that don't
Know why Treavon Martin was one of the
Many that didn't get away
From the senseless violence that happens everyday
But who's to blame
In this psychotic game
Then again it happens day by day
People judge people
Just by how they look
But never took a minute
Out of their time to realize
There's a person
Behind those eyes
You see if i was lying
Then why would you be
Wasting your time talking about my rhymes
I'm only speaking because
Everyone else is afraid
About the feedback that might stab back
Stop wasting my time
An go about your life
But ima spend it in this lifetime
Changing people's life
I can turn a penny into a dime
An donate that dime
To a kid that starves
Most of the time
Is it really a crime
To want something more
Than a normal life
I might just end up
Writing the most influential rhyme
It's my time your time an their time
We can all make a difference is we just try
Saying that you're
Incapable of being capable
To comprehend what i'm
About to say I'm almost at the end
Sometimes I dont even know
What I’m saying but I'm
Praying that for every mind
That is corrupted there is
One that can help change
The next generation

The author's comments:

I never really had a plan for this peom, it just sort of came to me one day. Once I started writing it, the words started to flow from my head to the paper. 

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