Hunt For Meat So Thou Shall Feast | Teen Ink

Hunt For Meat So Thou Shall Feast

February 2, 2015
By mikebenson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
mikebenson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i like turtles

Hunt for Meat to Eat
As the family of five starves
A whitetail buck meanders
Between the thicket of trees
He moves swiftly and gracefully
Without a worry in his mind
But the hunter thinks such animal should be concerned

In the heart of the woods
The sun ascends with colors of red and orange
Some people call it their hunting grounds
While some creatures call it their home

As the hunter loads his musket
The birds are chirp, chirp, chirping
Although the buck may dominate the forest
The hunter needs enough meat to serve his family of five
So he plans to harvest the buck at first sight

As the man roams through the forest
Out derives his one and only chance
After the smoke absolves through the rifle
The wounded deer jumps up then down right after

The birds are no longer chirping
The whitetail buck will no longer thrive
And fed is the family of five

The author's comments:

I like deer hunting.

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