It Was Not Enough | Teen Ink

It Was Not Enough

February 2, 2015
By BeckyC713 BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
BeckyC713 BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today, I went for a drive alone,

And I took a look at the empty space in the passenger's seat.

All my life, I'd longed for the silence and peace of driving alone down a mysterious and windy road,

In search of something greater.


But, without you, it was not enough.


As our song played on the radio,

I sang my heart out like a fool,

And again my eyes wandered to the empty seat,

And I realized that you were not there to sing along.


And, without you, it was not enough.


I started driving to the places,

In which I could see your presence near;

To the places that I'd longed to drive us to,

But that I could no longer bring myself to visit.


Because, without you, it was not enough.


Even with my music, drowning out my pain,

My mind still wandered towards you,

And the thought of your embrace;

It calmed my pain and made me smile.


But, without you in my presence, it was not enough.


I could drive forever,

In search of something new,

But, it was today that I realized,

I could go nowhere, if I was not driving with you.


Because without you, I am not enough.

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