One Lone Raven | Teen Ink

One Lone Raven

January 29, 2015
By Grant Schlichting SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Grant Schlichting SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One Sole Raven, of Longford Castle.    

one sole raven, on one lone post
doing what he does most
looking back and forth along his road,
hoping not to see his ghost

the corn sways, by the blue jays
as the hawk circles above.
a fierce dust, being flown by the gust
over a lovely, white dove

those memories, a road of things  past
that he has yearned, to see them last,
but all of that has been left by and by,
and what he got out of them was vast

a windy road, where the storm begins
and now it begins to swarm
the future is all that’s left
and that feeling is getting warm

the lightning strikes, the raven must have flight
through the gloomy storm ahead
but there’s a light breaking through that vast storm
so the raven can continue his plight

at he storms final end, where the light shines again
and the raven’s journey is finally over
the luscious meadows of the end with poppies, lilies, and clovers.

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