Storm of Life | Teen Ink

Storm of Life

January 29, 2015
By Grant Schlichting SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Grant Schlichting SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Storm I see,
so clearly.
The storm that has pitched us about in our seas.

We all have a Storm inside.
It has been going,
since the beginning of our lives.

Icy winds, gusts of hail,
nothing working as we wish.
The clouds get darker, the skies go dim,
and our boats begin to pitch.

But then it all stops,
Then it all ceased.
And Light begins to grow again.

We’ve all had our problems,
We’ve all had our storms,
But you don’t have to mourn.

The Storm will diminish,
and our problems will be finished.
For there is a Light,
He will always grow bright.
And that,
will settle the Storm.

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