To Fogarty! | Teen Ink

To Fogarty!

January 29, 2015
By Grant Schlichting SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Grant Schlichting SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Live Long and Prosper
To Fogarty, Du bist der Mann!

This years debate
went really great!
I’d like to say something
before I’m too late.

The beginning was rough
but we made it to the end.
the arguments got cleaner
and the squirrel cases lost their trend.

When we won state
There was only one thought:
“By golly! I need to thank that man a lot!”

Thank you for teaching
for mentoring
and preaching.
For listening to cases
without too much of our beseeching.

So here’s to you, you latin root for “old.”
And may I see you next year
So we can beat Blake by 10 fold!

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