The Man In The Closet | Teen Ink

The Man In The Closet

January 28, 2015
By mikebenson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
mikebenson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i like turtles

The man in the closet hides
The man in the closet decides
He may never escape these horrible times

Snow flies in poland of 42
The man in the closet sits in the closet
Due to his faith and his beliefs

The man in the closet whispers
He sings inside of his creative brain
The man in the closet hopes his sisters
will find a way out of this terrible rain

The man in the closet was doing fine
Until the nazis took down his “open  sign”
And took all of his artwork and musical gear
So the man in the closet fleed with anger and fear

The man in the closet sits here in this dark room
He uses his imagination to strum that old guitar
The man in the closet hopes the allies will come save him soon
Before the guards find out his hiding spot

The family of four says he can no longer stay in this closet for free
And the man in the closet cannot pay the families fee

The man in the closet was caught
He was taken by horrifying nazis
I will no longer say what happens next
Just that the man in the closet finds a better place to rest

The author's comments:

Watching holocaust movies

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