I See The Beauty in Your Eyes | Teen Ink

I See The Beauty in Your Eyes

January 27, 2015
By TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Change your thoughts before your thoughts change you."

You look into the mirror and see your grey eyes.
You seem storm clouds, gloomy skies.
Sadness calling out.
But what I see when I look into your eyes,
I see a grey cast covering a light blue sky.
A shield covering your happiness.
You have to look deeper into your sadness,
To truly understand your happiness.
Times get rough,
Happiness always seems to fade,
But by the end of the day you can come to me.
You can always come to me because I see beauty.
Beauty in the storm.
Beauty in the rain.
Beauty in the sadness.
But most importantly I find,
Beauty in your eyes.

The author's comments:

This was written because of the color of my eyes. One minute they are an icy sky blue, the next they are grey and depressing.

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