Powerful. | Teen Ink


January 18, 2015
By JilliBean101 SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
JilliBean101 SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We met. I was fun. I had fun.

I thought you did too.

But it has been two months

And I feel like

I'm bothering you

When I ask

If you want to hang out.

You have excuses

But I can't tell if they are legit

Since I haven't known you very long.

Why don't you just tell me to go away

Let me know that I am insignificant

And that you don't care.

Because I will stop. I will.

If you tell me you don't want me

You will never hear from me again.

I thought you cared

And you seemed interested in me

Which is more than I can say

For most guys.

But I guess you got bored

So this is goodbye

It was fun while it lasted

And I won't even cry.

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