#Creatures | Teen Ink


January 15, 2015
By poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
11 articles 9 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is the reason all people change but it only takes one person to change the world <br /> ~me

Skip a meal
Avoid those people
Fake a smile
Die a little
Pick up the blade
Cut away
That was my life
It seemed that simple
Until an angel came
Sweeping me away
Saying I have to stay
And when I asked her why?
Her one and only reply
"Once you leave
All your friends slowly die
Thinking of you each day that goes by
They can't handle the pain
It doesn't help to sigh
The only options left are cut or cry
They choose the wrong answer
In hopes that will set the pain aside
They're going through so much agony
They to form pain invisible to the human eye"
That made me turn my life around
It had me seeing things in a different light
Like I died and was reborn into this all new life
No more living in those things humans know as lies
Now I reach out to people
Giving them a hand
Pulling them out of the hole they landed in
My head started to spin
With all the troubled people
I realized I can't help them all
But when I got inside it was like looking through a key hole
Seeing everything unfold through a hidden peephole 
Hearing their stories really took a toll
I do everything in my Power to make them stall
All those people who became suicidal
Some cases it was so hard like talking to a brick wall
That's when it finally hit me
Everyone threw their arrows and finally one hit you see?
Everybody if you're young old or have a disease
Has this image in their heads of this perfect body
Maybe kind sweet and generous is their description of a "hottie"
Some see us as ugly while others see pure beauty
I don't get it either and I still ask why?
But a friend once told me
"You get so used to your own features
You tend to forget how wonderful you are to other creatures"

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