My Melody | Teen Ink

My Melody

January 15, 2015
By GraceKent SILVER, Ann Arbor, Michigan
GraceKent SILVER, Ann Arbor, Michigan
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
What isn't given to love, is so much wasted.

If there was one thing and one feeling that could put me at ease,

Not my mother's hugs or my grandpa's tease.

The most perfect peace and sorrowful serene,

Not so tangible melodic means.

Puts me to rest in a heavenly domain,

A field filled with grass in a wide open plain.

Feeling so gratified, sheets over my head.

Only listening to my heart and something unsaid.

It's a secret, my desire, something no one else can know.

It goes pitter patter and drip drip although.

The moist tears that the clouds have to cry,

Rain is my melody, kiss the blue sky goodbye.

The author's comments:

The thunderstom taking place outside my window inspired me to write this.

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