My Lovely Confinement | Teen Ink

My Lovely Confinement

January 8, 2015
By OliviaS26 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
OliviaS26 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This love has no silver linings,
It can hurt like hell,
or it can dance like the keys of a piano
with the notes beautifully intertwined
I can’t shake the feeling that the way my heart clings onto these
dainty tendrils is hurting and
more wrong than right
This jail cell makes me feel constantly alone
reaching through the frigid metal bars but reaching for you
just pulls me deeper into my confinement
but I can’t seem to stay away
I’m floating, drifting, tripping, falling into a deep head whirl
of confusion and my stomach, fluttering up and away
into what can only be described as pure delight.
Oh how lovely it is to feel this way...
Yet how hard it is to deal with it,
day after day getting harder to be here
Staying away seems so much easier,
but I’m not willing to leave myself
at the door, heart stone cold,
left without the golden glimmer of light that is this love.

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