Hello Goodbye | Teen Ink

Hello Goodbye

January 6, 2015
By BekahBird BRONZE, Uniontown, Ohio
BekahBird BRONZE, Uniontown, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All the time in the world to love

So why must we wait so long?


All of the time in the world to sing,

But we've forgotten the song.


All of the time in the world to dance,

so why can't we hear the music?


All of the time in the world to live,

But we have life only to lose it.


All of the time in the world to cry

But those days have come and gone

All of the time in the world to say hello,

But you have already said so long.


All of the time in the world to tell you I love you,

But now you're already gone.

I wish you were here to dance with me,

Because now I remember our song.


All of the time in the world to watch time itself run dry,

because we have only just said hello, and now we say goodbye.

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