As Spring Changes to Summer | Teen Ink

As Spring Changes to Summer

December 19, 2014
By Spirit2s SILVER, New York, New York
Spirit2s SILVER, New York, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One brief spring,
Musical with the robin’s song,
Changed rapidly to a rich summer

Overflowing in scorching heat,
Sunny season ate up the cold

Watermelon seeds scattered after a snack,
Lay by puddles of pool water mimicking footprints

Mulberry leaves shimmering after a light evening rain,
Ripe fruits sit at the tips of the branch

Trees of emerald and crimson roses
Spread their gifts of fragrance
To the noses of eager children

Dandelions and daisies in the grass
Comfort the head of a sleepy dog

As Spring Changes to Summer

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