Sound | Teen Ink


December 18, 2014
By kaitblum SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
kaitblum SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The end,
confiding tubes keeping you tied to society, but strangling the life out of you.
The gasp of relief drowning out the sighs of remorse
Piercing screech serving reality on a silver platter
Silence the scariest sound of all.

It is
Faint, but the last bittersweet goodbye escapes your lips so softly
The first tear conveyed with a shaky “Nooo”
Lingering in the silent world you’ve left behind.

Only the beginning
Greeted by harmonious songs of innocence,
Something this cruel world diminishes day by day.
The relief, being saved form the harsh sounds of death
While your existence was still present.

For you.
The beautiful silence of freedom let it ring.

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