I fantasize | Teen Ink

I fantasize

December 18, 2014
By kaitblum SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
kaitblum SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I fantasize
I have big dreams
Who needs reality? I cut my ties and break the seams
because the world needs change

I often fantasize
my dreams are big
I don’t need reality I’ll cut my ties and break the seams
It holds you back.

The world needs change, and I’ll be the one to change it.
I’ll swap it for something new, something better.
Keep your brain fit, you’re a warrior, we all are.
Few things can hold you back if you try,
perception is the key, unlock the door, run away.
You will see the horror they hide.

I’m different, I’m a leader.
With my knowledge I’ll feed her
Your eyes are closed, you hide
in hopes for change in the tide.

But you’re the moon
The war is now
I’ll see you soon. 

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