*HALLWAYS* | Teen Ink


December 16, 2014
By poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
11 articles 9 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is the reason all people change but it only takes one person to change the world <br /> ~me

no one knows the struggle
no one feels the pain
sometimes i feel totally insane
no one seems to care
and nothing will ever change
people think i don't get bullied
but the voices are never tame
i wanna flee the scene because i know their talking to me
for example ...i hate her
the needy insecure freak
no one can stand her
the other day
i found f**** you b****
written in my locker
with a permanent marker
at school
i didn't tell nobody
cuz' i felt like a fool
each little mark they make
tears me down
i feel stuck....like that one day
now it feels like is on replay
all the emotions over and over again
playing out that familiar play in my head
where your walking down the hall
thinking everything's fine
then you meet that one kid
who pushes you
one to many times
then you flip
give him a couple kicks
call him a loser
just like he does to you
day after day
its always the same
you get in trouble
because you don't seen
as the victim that you are
no one sees the scars
resting on your soul
and they still call school a bully-free zone
so between you and me
i know how it feels
to have everything go wrong
if i didn't
i wouldn't be stuck singing this song
so don't go thinking your alone
if you ever need someone
just pick up the phone
and give me a ring
ill share my struggle like i did today
and help you emotionally everyday
no body sees this thing
for what it really is
its just a cat and mouse game
their the predator and your the prey
i still have so much to say
but this song is already so long
so ill have to stop
and not continue on
maybe ill start another song
with the same topic
see how many souls i can touch
with this thing i've started
peace out
ill be a look out
for now and everyday after
keep holding on
cuz' it does get better

The author's comments:

i know what its like to get bullied and i just want all the other warriors out there to know they're not alone.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jan. 13 2015 at 3:04 pm
poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
11 articles 9 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is the reason all people change but it only takes one person to change the world <br /> ~me

Thank you! I hope it does but it doesn't seem likely

on Jan. 2 2015 at 9:43 am
poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
11 articles 9 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is the reason all people change but it only takes one person to change the world <br /> ~me

I hear five stars rating help a lot when publishers are looking for the poetry they want in their magazine so if you like it and I mean really like please rate it

awesome said...
on Dec. 26 2014 at 8:06 pm
This poem is awesome!It should be published in a magazine