Outside the Classroom Window | Teen Ink

Outside the Classroom Window

December 15, 2014
By Dunlop BRONZE, Wilmington, North Carolina
Dunlop BRONZE, Wilmington, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Outside the classroom window,

The leaves of the courtyard tree shine a dull red,
Waving, taunting, in what I can only imagine to be a fresh fall breeze.

Outside the classroom window,
I can only imagine the crisp smell of the bitter breeze,
Carrying the sound of crunching leaves made by the running feet of my fellow peers.
They, being in the midst of a pursuit of temporary happiness
Miss the intellectual surprise of the answers to a test that will be taken in the despairs of the great tomorrow.

Outside the classroom window,
The clouds roll over on top of one another,
As if fighting to see who will be the most majestic sight to the ever-wandering eyes of the trapped student.

Outside the classroom window,
The birds fly into their tree playing with the leaves,
Singing their songs of freedom that they so desperately deserve,
Flapping their wings to the beat of the never-ending tune,
The seconds tick by as I imagine an accompaniment to the cheerful tune.

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