"Lost" | Teen Ink


December 15, 2014
By TheyCallMeExcalibur BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
TheyCallMeExcalibur BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;All it takes is a spark to ignite my bad intentions.&quot; <br /> -Falling In Reverse-

Leaves fall
The air thins out
Saddened beings aren’t prepared
for what’s about to come.
Things seem tranquil
Scarves and snow shoes all around
But sooner than later
the cold, bitter air grips you by the throat
and pushes you to the frost-swept surface.
The chilling eyes that look
upon your ice-coated figure
feel vaguely sinister
as a familiar shiver trickles
down your reluctant spine.

The author's comments:

I honestly hate winter.

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