December 14, 2014
By MichaelSpell BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
MichaelSpell BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The practice of eradicating
and condemning
flaws in human beings
is in fact flawed itself.
We have been brainwashed
into reassuring ourselves
that only certain people
are beautiful.
and all other living beings
are sculptures
masterfully hand-crafted
from the magnificent molecules
and elements
of the universe;
flaws are the signatures
of the artist.
But they've got us
using cosmetics religiously.
They've got us
bothered by things
which cannot be chiseled
and changed
in the blink of an eye.
They've got us
attentive to the incessant critiquing
of the novel
which is the Self
just by its cover.
Well, I dare you to start reading.
I dare you
to look your peers in the eyes,
the windows of the soul,
and open them up,
feeling the gust of a crisp autumn breeze
that is their emotions
their aspirations
and their love.
The greatest truth about life
is that we are all born
Being beautiful
simply means
to be.
Being beautiful
starts when we start being
and appreciating
our flaws.
is not beauty,
being unique is beauty.
We spend our lives
captivated by
the gifts that have been bestowed
upon others
while we neglect
to cherish our own.
Love is not
solely an emotion
in which we feel for those
we hold close
to our hearts.
Love was made
for the self
for our own hearts,
and it seems as if
this form of love
has been long forgotten.
Learning to love
all of your faults
shall then pry open the fault lines
that lie across the dark,
cold shell
you've developed
around your heart,
and warm it
to the temperature
it was made to maintain.
We have been told
that a perfect life
is the happy life.
In reality,
a happy, loving life
is the perfect life.

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