Helplessness | Teen Ink


December 13, 2014
By MattMateo SILVER, New London, Connecticut
MattMateo SILVER, New London, Connecticut
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life." - Abraham Maslow

Looking up at the ceiling of this little, windoless room

I cannot help but feel as if it is falling down upon me

As the walls of reality only seem to become more constrictive

Preventing me from finding the happiness i deperately need

A chill runs down my spine as the harsh cold of solitude sinks in

Filling me with despair and helplessness

But it is fine, I'll get used to this feeling, living with it every day

"I'm not helpless," I deceitfully say to myself, "I don't need anyone."
I keep lying to myself like this

I try to convince myself that I am strong and independent

That I can survive being constantly alone

All the while shivering and trembling witj fear and insecurity

As tears hit the cold and unforgiving floor

I then hear a knock at the door
Somone trying to enter my sad, little world...
But I do not let them in, for I know that it will only result is tragedy

Wanting to be saved but feeling as if there is no point in trying

That is true helplessness

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