My Burning Fury | Teen Ink

My Burning Fury

December 17, 2014
By kHan4 SILVER, Des Moines, Iowa
kHan4 SILVER, Des Moines, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your eyes,

Filled with hatred.

Your head,

Filled with anger.


Burning on the inside,

Waiting to release,

The fury that rests within you.


Stop- the suffering.

Stop- the regret.

Stop- wasting your time.

Stop- trying to impress them.


For the fury inside you,

Burns with every step you take.

The author's comments:

I'm filled with hatred and fury. I wrote this for about my life. Everytime I waste time with you, my fury builds. It builds among the last. Every step I take- is one more towards an unhappy life.

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