Corruption of Man Parts 1 and 2 | Teen Ink

Corruption of Man Parts 1 and 2

December 17, 2014
By IsabelSophia BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
IsabelSophia BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To be great is to be misunderstood." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Corruption of Man, Pt. I
The pain and suffering ceases to end.
A twinge of hope is all but felt.
Both heaven and earth cry out.
They watch with desolation in their eyes.
The ocean's tide violently thrashes
onto the blood-stained sand.
God sends angels down to end the war;
they are unsuccessful.
Arrows fly.
The air grieves as it sends its gusts out.
A shield of black smoke separates bad from good.
So little good.
The world lies still, paralyzed by the corruption of man.
Even the devil stares in horror
as the faces above become a new form of monster.
Sad is the truth of today--
We don't even see it.

Corruption of Man, Pt. II
Their pain and suffering will not end,
unless they turn to me;
I behold all hope.
I cry out to them; they do not hear.
The pain distills my heart as
I send my oceans to cleanse
and precious angels to save.
The war continues.
I watch as their arrows arch in the air,
penetrating the humanity of all.
The air smells of reproach, and all too late,
a black cloak marks the sky,
a separation from the good and bad.
So little good.
Their hurt ceases the earthly orbit
with an evil too cynical for one's eyes.
My children, once so innocent and meager,
unravel their revelation.
The end is near.
They don't even see it.

The author's comments:

The words just flowed. I wanted to write a poem that portrayed a message that spoke to me, and hopefully others can take something of their own away from it. I wanted this poem to promote the power of human nature and the capabilites we have to either destroy, or save.

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