Picture | Teen Ink


December 10, 2014
By SquishyFluff GOLD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
SquishyFluff GOLD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
To be or not to be? That is the question.

Is it still different?
Without me in your life?
We had our moments
Our fights
All those happy merry go round memories
Still dancing in my head
You come to me
Brighter than a picture
An image
Burning into my mind
When I close my eyes
I see you
Endless, forever more beautiful


A smile adorns my face
Growing bigger
With a warmth
That slowly seeps into my bones
Feverish hands reach for you
The resilience of your eyes
Defiant, but unfocused

You graced me with your love
Feathers fall down
Where my wings used to be
But you set me free
You showed me how to fly

Without you I wouldn’t be me
Don’t you forget
You are me
Our love is still one

I don’t want to let go
But one day
I swear we’ll meet once again
You are me,
Don’t you forget that.
I am you.
Our love still beats defiantly.

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