What an Adventurous Life | Teen Ink

What an Adventurous Life

December 5, 2014
By NatalieRose GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
NatalieRose GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The vibrant colors twist in their wings,
as the flutter of the butterflies gently sings.
Birds begin to squeak and squawk,
on the warm summer ground, they slowly walk.
The vivid hues line their cheek
   the toucan, and its oversized beak.

They swing from tree to tree,
collecting tropical bananas, bundled in threes.
The kangaroos jump,
as if playing hopscotch, with a flump.
While the zebras prance,
the stripes on their bodies dance.

The tigers roar,
echoing on the rainforest floor.
Lions lay with their cubs,
protecting them, while hiding in the shrubs.
Pandas munch and chew,
while resting in trees, eating the bamboo.

Under the sea, floundering fish scurry,
in the deepest parts of the water, it starts to get blurry.
Searching for its prey,
  the sharp-toothed sharks stalk them as they lay.
Dolphins dance, dodge and dart,
through the water from end to start.

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