Fly high granny 09-01-63 - 06-29-14 | Teen Ink

Fly high granny 09-01-63 - 06-29-14

December 4, 2014
By NayNay61598 BRONZE, Gulfport, Mississippi
NayNay61598 BRONZE, Gulfport, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've been through so many things in life and I ask my self why do I keep going,

Those tears i've cried

I've been left here alone since my granny died.

No love to be found in this cold cruel world,

I have no one to help me fight my battles,

I act stuck,hurt,and confuse

I have nothing else that I can loose.

People around me are full of hate

I do not understand how to escape!

I need a way out, an escape from all this pain

I am lost and going feelings, i just cant explain

I only want to feel loved again

I wonder is wanting to fill love a sin?

Nobody understands me

nobody knows to touch my inner mystery

I only wanted to smile

I only wanted to feel like somebody every once in awhile

I miss those longs sweet talks,so full of love

I wish my granny didnt have to go to heaven above

I tried to hold my head up high

it doesnt work,ugh i just wish i could fly

I dedicate my time to writing poetry

That is the only thing left in me

Fly high granny I miss you so dearly

I cry every night because I know you arent near me

The author's comments:

This piece is mainly about my granny because I miss you.

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