Your Soul | Teen Ink

Your Soul

November 27, 2014
By AbbySmith SILVER, Ottawa, Other
AbbySmith SILVER, Ottawa, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Don't let them tell you,
That they know who you are
When they've only seen your summer.
Don't let them define you,
For you are not a single thing
You do not fit neetly in a box,
You are the ever changing tide,
The relentless waves of the sea
Different from every angle,
Old and young in harmony.
They have not seen
Your inner demons,
The secret box you keep hidden,
Within the fortress of your heart.
You are not a label,
You are not one thing.
You are the wind that howls at night,
The rosy first rays of sunlight,
The soft petals under one's hand.
Your body holds stars,
Planets, solar systems,
A whole universe waiting to be discovered.
But don't share your secret,
For it is far too precious.
No one can imagine
The vast plains, the waterfalls,
The tidal waves, the hurricanes.
The perfect storm,
That is hidden within your soul.

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This article has 1 comment.

Redolvene GOLD said...
on Dec. 25 2014 at 5:23 pm
Redolvene GOLD, Sunny, Florida
10 articles 1 photo 33 comments
Wow, this is exceptionally deep and eloquently written. Your word choice is impeccable and I love the beautiful message your poem conveys. Five stars!