It All Comes to An End | Teen Ink

It All Comes to An End

December 4, 2014
By CiraJ15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
CiraJ15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world shrinks smaller,
habitats destroyed,
destroyed by humans.
It’s coming to an end.

Animals disappear,
disappear in front of us.
Why should anyone care?
It’s coming to an end.

The trees collapse,
collapse to the ground.
What did we do?
It’s coming to an end.

Animals cry,
cry for help.
Why aren’t we listening?
It’s coming to an end.

Animals silence,
Silent as the dead can be.
Did we scare them away?
It’s coming to an end.

The animals died,
died with no food to eat.
How will we survive?
It’s coming to an end.

The grass turns gray,
grayer than the moon.
Why is this happening?
It has ended.

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