Saving The Princess | Teen Ink

Saving The Princess

December 2, 2014
By CodyBennett SILVER, Muncie, Indiana
CodyBennett SILVER, Muncie, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The midnight raindrops mask the tears that smear her makeup
Endless thoughts flow through her mind as she blames herself
The urge to cut only grew higher as the relationship mirrored her heart
One month of romantic nightmares that stained the forthcoming
He said he would catch her as she fell
She thought it was true, but now she lies on the asphalt below the building from which he pushed her
She trusted the one that had “beware” written all over him
Only because she was the kind to give second chances a second chance
Making her a victim to a hurricane of emotions
Now, not even compliments from friends can fix her broken smile
Although she had support, hours crying behind a locked bathroom door didn't heal the open wounds
There was a guy who wanted to take the role as her Prince Charming
But she couldn't risk trusting another serpent
He understood how love is a battle field, so he took the shots
He now stands leader of the infantry waiting to save a princess who’s not there

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 17 2014 at 6:57 pm
CodyBennett SILVER, Muncie, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment
thanks share it with your friends :p

-Mavis- BRONZE said...
on Dec. 17 2014 at 6:43 pm
-Mavis- BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
"pretty words are worth being cynical over, for they are just baits to be caught in the moment." -mavi

"What exactly would change if I cried, wanted revenge, was consumed by hatred, or went insane with rage?" -Yoshino

"I am your shadow. Worry not for if your light is dim, I will become darker so that you can become more defined.“ -mavi

"We create beautiful things to mask what we destroyed in order to create such.” -mavi

I liked this :3