The Hunt | Teen Ink

The Hunt

November 30, 2014
By GreywolfBarnowl14 BRONZE, San Diego, California
GreywolfBarnowl14 BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
How can you outdo yourself when you can only keep getting better? (Source: Me)

Concealed by the shadows, I slink through the forest,
feeling the wind ruffle my fur, I stalk the deer that in my land is a tourist.
I feel the soft earth and crunchy leaves beneath my feet,
and my mouth waters at the scent of meat.
Keeping my body close to the floor,
I creep out onto the open moor.
I can feel the waves of fear coming off the deer,
as I draw near and near, and even near.
Once the wind shifts and carries the deer my scent,
I know that my time is hiding is spent.
I charge out into the tall grass making the chase begin,
It’s only a matter of who will win.
As I trip the old deer it lets out a screech,
as I finish it off it lies at my feet.
I howl in my victory for today my pack will feed,
and this meat is the very thing that we need.
For I am a wolf, and survival is key.
The life of my pack depends on me.
I hunt and I search, I fight and I run,
Until I join the fallen past the sun.
For I am a wolf, strong and proud;
and the howls of my pack are joyful and loud.

The author's comments:

I've always had a big facination with wolves, and would love to be one. Sometimes getting lost in writting poetry like this makes it feel real. Kind of like a dream.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 5 2014 at 9:42 pm
Lalupu PLATINUM, Springfield, Illinois
21 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Scars just mean you were stronger than whatever tried to kill you."

---Author Unknown

I'm glade whenever I hear of other people with a fellow wolf-spirit. They truly are fasinating creatures. Your work is amazing, ad imagery very vivid. KEEP WRITIG!!! Can't wait to read more.