Wound | Teen Ink


November 21, 2014
By clurr GOLD, Davie, Florida
clurr GOLD, Davie, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Blessed are the cracked for they let in the light."

what if he never fixed me
the cavern was never huge
But it was big enough to shelter both of use.
he made me bleed while I slept
counting my scars in two
Until they formed constellations
to feast his eyes.
He left to go fetch berries when I awoke
but on the wall he carved
Soon. I'll be back soon.

when we were young we read from different books

he returned at midnight
with no berries, just a rusty look
he woke me up from my slumber
to say hello for a short while.
and with dreary lids i waved to him
and i waved to him
and i waved
he caressed me and lulled me back to sleep
I asked him if he liked me better that way

he just told me that my eyes were prettier in his mind
and he loved me more when i talked in my sleep

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem about an emotionally abusive relationship I was in one year ago.  

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