Happy vs Sad | Teen Ink

Happy vs Sad

November 10, 2014
By Miss1920s BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
Miss1920s BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Stick and stones may break your bones but anyone can throw.

They say that it is easy to write.
Its no problem, your pen will take flight!
They say,
Try harder, this is too cliche..
You are asked to speak of happy things
Perhaps of a yellow bird that sings
Truth is it’s easier to write sad
Trust me I’m not mad
I’m actually quite a happy girl
But to write like me makes me want to hurl
So instead I cave
And write about the grave
Then I can use all the imagery you want from me
It’s easier to write sad don’t you see?

The author's comments:

This is just a poem I wrote while working on my poetry collection, I was getting a smidge frusterated that all my poems that where on happy subjects were all really cliche.

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