Fighting fate | Teen Ink

Fighting fate

November 9, 2014
By Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the clock hits 12 I often fall into this state of sadness
Call it madness
It's the same thing
I feel as though my attraction to you is too strong
And every decision I make without your approval turns out wrong 
When you leave the cheap glue holding me together starts to chip
The shaking from my hands starts to travel to my lips
This thought of separation places me in thin glass
It's like putting a lit candle near a puddle made up of gas
Disaster will be the outcome if you ever leaving me
This isn't the definition of obsession it's an example of artistry
It's the process of adding NO bonding two souls into one and expecting them to break free
But most people don't understand that it isn't that easy
When you find someone to depend on they become the pill you can't forget to take
You begin to wonder if it's coincidental or just pure fate

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