What I Know of Love | Teen Ink

What I Know of Love

October 27, 2014
By AaronT SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
AaronT SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"
-Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

My knowledge of love;
That shapeless,
Pink bubbly thing;
Is but more than a few memories,
Scattered like dust on the old shelf in my head.
Some frames have it thick,
Aging well and growing sweeter;
While others spread thin,
As I have been picking them up,
And looking at them recently.
These oldest,
Untouched frames show pictures of a young me;
Who learned love from caressing mother,
And playful father.
Those more agitated are the new facts;
Which I had intended to burn,
But crammed them up there anyways,
Just to take up space,
And remind me of pain.
My tortured grin,
Awkward stance,
Saddened glance,
All depict a me;
A me unknown to caressing mother,
And playful father.
Who probably know the struggles I've seen,
But know that they can fix it,
With knowledge and laughter.

The author's comments:

In today's world, we are told all about the emotion called "love". However, what we sometimes forget is that love comes in many forms, and that just because one of these forms seems to hurt us does not mean that "love", as an entity, is against us.

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