Sufferage | Teen Ink


October 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Why do people never understand me,
I believe that they cannot see.
They never ask about my opinion unless it helps them,
I just want them condemned.
Everytime I see them I am scared around them,
I just want to cut it off at the stem.
I know what to say,
but can never find the right way.
To tell you the clues,
that you all can be the cause of my blues.
I have no reason to be happy in my life,
I have no more reasons for a knife.
I have given up all of my hopes,
there are no more ropes.
My dreams are no more,
you all have the highest score.
For having the most arguments,
you all act like volatile lab experiments.
With how disastrous a simple talk could turn,
into an inferno of insults that burns.
I will never understand how I can survive around people,
sometimes I feel as if I would feel less pain while impaled on a church steeple.
I cannot believe how venomous peoples words can be,
all I want to do is leave.
Just to never return to this plane,
for I feel as if my body just has been slain.
By all of your words,
stabbing my gut like the sharp beak of a bird.
I swear in my head I am screaming,
and my blood continues to make a stream.

The author's comments:

in my mind I thought and thought losing count of time. during this I learned that at the peak of depression you see your true feeling with no suppressers to make it feel not as harsh.

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