That Night | Teen Ink

That Night

October 23, 2014
By Alpex SILVER, Eldora, Iowa
Alpex SILVER, Eldora, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was at the end of time, that I was
It was at the beginning, that I am
The dead man sings songs into ocean waves
That night at the Rock, where I stood alone

Where I turned, the wind whistled ‘round, gentle calm
Whispers of the past, creeping silence grown
All the ends and beginnings of the world
Are all that stand with me, cold lies blown down
That night at the Rock, where I stood alone

He came not long after, hooded and dark
He carried their words, once spoken now gone
Who are you? I asked, my words no stronger
What is this place? it echoed around me
It left a silence, one that could kill gods
That night at the Rock, where I stood alone

He spoke, softly and hauntingly, a ghost
You know what this place is and who I am
For I am the you that already walked alone
The path has led me here to find my end
This is the end, that is, I am the end
You are the end, here at this place, starstruck
On this night at the Rock, you stand alone

I am the you that you are to become
And cannot un-become, distant phantom
Walking a silent path towards nothing
This place is endless and the absolute
It is the final Rock at the end of time
It will be your tomb, you who stands alone

Then he turned and left, waves crashing in sync
It was he who told the voices to sing
A lonely song, quiet in the darkness
Echoing down a forgotten pathway
Where only the lost could hear its ringing

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