An Arsonist’s Creed | Teen Ink

An Arsonist’s Creed

October 20, 2014
By LTSpenser SILVER, Henderson, Nevada
LTSpenser SILVER, Henderson, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The spark is my latest and everlasting bride;
spite is her dress, and vengeance is her veil.
With fire my brother, and the pyre my mother,
burning embers is my undying trail;
an unlit candle is my temptation and my binding jail.
Coals of resentment have burdened me all these years:
combustion ignites and liberates my fears;
flames and cinders are my tears.
Now, I lurk lustfully in the dark,
and a sear is my caressing mark.
For I am the lover, for blaze I bed;
I am the phoenix that turns the sky into a molten red;
I am the eagle—my wings of smoke rein overhead;
I am the plaque, the fever, the hotness, the heat—the widespread;
and I am the reaper who calls upon the burned, the banished—the dead;
visions of infernos calm and dance in my uncontrolled head;
yet, screams of the singed follow me—as do dreams of dread.
I walk with gray and black underfoot,
I tower over debris and soot.
A burning path I will always pursue and pave;
until, the ashes shall cover my scorched and deserved

The author's comments:

I wrote this over the summer after I read an article on an arsonist who ignited a huge forest fire.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 30 2015 at 8:32 am
LittleTownAuthor533 SILVER, Middletown, Indiana
9 articles 48 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"At any given moment, you have the power to say 'This is NOT how the story is going to end.'"

-from a picture my mom sent me in an email (AKA Unknown)

I love it! Nice work!