Loose Word | Teen Ink

Loose Word

October 13, 2014
By cthorna BRONZE, Syracuse, New York
cthorna BRONZE, Syracuse, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Is such a loose word.

We say we love chocolate

But we also love girls.

We love our brothers

And our mothers

But it doesn’t mean the same thing.

When I say ‘I love veggie pizza’ it’s not the same as ‘I love Lisa.’

When I say ‘I love running’ I’m lying because no one loves running.

There are two definitions of love.

Either a feeling that keeps you careening for infinity,

or a word tossed around because human beings have a tendency to lie to themselves.

To hide from themselves.

In my opinion, there are two types of people who know what love truly is

Young kids and wrinkly old bags of skin.

Teenagers’ minds are muddled by hormones

Confuse lust for love and a crush for ‘I must have you.’

Adults are on a race to acquire a purpose

to marry anything with a face.

So they say ‘I love you’ a little prematurely,

and then ‘I do.’

Pure matrimony?

And then there’s divorce.

A force quit for marriage.

They realize, ‘Maybe this was a mistake.’

'Maybe I can still change my fate.'

To me, love is infinity.

But remember, some infinities are bigger than others.

Just wait for that perfect date.

And if she, or he, or it, is a little bit late

Don’t freak out.

Remember, man’s worst enemy is doubt.

Besides, you could be waiting for infinity years of happiness.

So, girls, don’t run off with the first guy who has muscles.

And guys, if you see a girl with a huge rack,

Go mack.

But when you’re done, go find a person with substance.

A person you could spend infinity with.

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