Mirrors | Teen Ink


October 7, 2014
By avak13 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
avak13 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Why is why why?"

They speak of my inferiority,

They murmur of my flaws.

Their laughs are mirrors of my pains,

Which breathe through me.

All their laughs, all their giggles,

They splint my ears to ringing,

They blind my eyes to shame.

The mirrors never cease to catch my reflection,

Why can’t they be erased?

Why must my face be executed?

Among the brambles and bruises.

Why am I the one all tangled?

Why do they tear my flesh into oblivion of my laughing days?

Any yet, it cuts down deeper.

They pierce into my skin.

Stabbing the little bit of pride I possessed.

My tears burn the cuts deeper,

To a hole that has sunken in.

Their laughter only digs the hole deeper.

All of my pride has vanished.

My ears are splitting now,

My eyes are watering.

It is too painful now.

Their laughter pounds my chest.

I must rid of my pain

It’s too much to bear.

It’s too much to bear.

I must erase my sorrows,

Let the mirrors shatter,

Have my oblivion be torn away,

To a world where it all fades to its own reflection.

A place where the laughter is washed with a stroke of sunshine,

Where the hole fills into grass.

Where the grass cradles blooming flowers.

A place where the sunlight blocks their laughter.

Where the cuts are healed.

Where my sorrows are trapped by the roses

Among the grass.

A place where I can be free.

Where their laughter is but a speck upon a tulip.

A pedal resting on the dew.

A place to see my reflection,

Among a sunny day.

And the only way to do that,

Is to take my life away.

The author's comments:

This was a required piece that we had to write as an assignment for Language Arts on the topic of youth violence. Please do not hesitate to comment!

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