So what now? | Teen Ink

So what now?

October 6, 2014
By Katee21 GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
Katee21 GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Who in the world am I?<br /> Ah, that&#039;s the great puzzle&quot;<br /> -Alice in Wonderland

If I’m feeling creative I’d be an artist
Or a singer
A game designer, even?

If I’m feeling angry I’d be a comedian
So I could b**** at everything
And not get in trouble

If I’m feeling compassionate I’d be a vet
Perhaps a caretaker
GP, anyone?

If I’m feeling studious I’d be a professor
And the best one at it
Well, I’d like to think so

If I’m feeling courageous I’d be an animal trainer
Possibly a performer
Should I join the circus?

If I’m feeling sad I’d be a therapist
I would help people
Even if I couldn't help myself

If I’m feeling bored I’d be a secretary
I think a lawyer would fit
Otherwise a janitor would do

If I’m feeling lonely I’d be an author
Pouring my heart out
Onto those perfect white pages

If I’m feeling adventurous I’d be a travel guide
A culinary chef
Maybe a missionary

If I’m feeling unique I’d be an acupuncturist
Imagine sticking someone with needles
Every single day

If I’m feeling impulsive I’d be a professional skier
A tightrope walker
Just don’t slip…

If I’m feeling dangerous I’d be in the FBI
Covering up alien invasions
And having secret identities

If I’m feeling rebellious I’d be a gang leader
A tattoo artist
Dare I say drug dealer?

If I’m feeling inspired I’d be a scriptwriter
My films would be different
But in a good way

If I’m feeling beautiful I’d be a model
Maybe just a dancer
What about an actor?

If I’m feeling inquisitive I’d be a journalist
Asking questions
Making up answers

If I’m feeling me, well, I’d be…
A cat lover
But a dog one too
A writer
But only for myself
A Tom Jones enthusiast
But also Bob Marley
A LOTR marathoner
But I could do Family Guy
A procrastinator
But a paranoid perfectionist
A nail biter
But a nail polish collector
A reader
But only of subtitles
A novice cook
But only of desserts
A forgotten introvert
But I like it
A geek
But I try to be sociable
A fish tank aficionado
But I hate doing the work
A sweater weather gal
But I don’t own any sweaters
A smoothie devotee
But only with peanut butter
A diet fanatic
But also a food mistress
A senior in high school
But with no clue what’s next

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