Roses in My Lungs | Teen Ink

Roses in My Lungs

October 4, 2014
By inawang PLATINUM, Portland, Oregon
inawang PLATINUM, Portland, Oregon
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

All I know is that
I used to try and isolate it,
to pinpoint what it is
I fell in love with,
but I soon realized that
it is undefined.
It never quite tasted the same
day after day.
I was so in my head and
you were so out of yours
that I’m not sure whether we
or exploded.
All I know is that
I tried to acertain the stars,
map out the sky and
open a new dimension
where we could finally
learn how to dream.
I wanted to tip the scales
in our favor and know that
no flower on the path
we trod was in vain.
All I know is that
my tears grew wings
to disappear,
trapped in the illusion
of something real.
When I think of you
at 2 am
I know that it’s the
magnificent work of
when an angel
falls in love
with a demon.
All I know is that
You stole my breath and
planted roses in my lungs.
They are oh so pretty,
but now, I can’t breathe.

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