Heads or Tails | Teen Ink

Heads or Tails

September 28, 2014
By alice.williams GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
alice.williams GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Friends say I am a brook,
both gentle and calming.
I am its waters that are cold to the touch.

Friends claim I am the belladonna flower;
modestly beautiful and desirable.
I am its fruit that is sickingly poisonous.

Friends insist my words are music;
lulling harmonies that console and incite joy.
I am the silent rests between the melodies.

Friends suggest I am spring;
breathing life into the lives of all with my rainbow palette personality.
I am the constant rain which brings with it charcoal skies.

Friends assure I am a star;
bright, a source of hope, and one-of-a-kind.
I am distant, and fatal to those who tread near.

Friends are pencil;
despite the indentation they leave,
it does not mask that what they say isn’t permanent.

With a flip of a coin my opinion is theirs and their opinion is mine.
What’s left is the eraser shavings of memories to be swept off the page,
and the question of who was ever right the whole time.

The author's comments:

No matter how long each of us has walked this earth, age doesn't define when we know who we are and what exactly it is we see when we look in the mirror. High self-esteem is always encouraged. Loving yourself is something we all, hopefully, aim to achieve. Even when we make it to the point of liking who we are, our opinions tend to get infused by what others think; sometimes until the point of agreeing with the other party. What they say becomes what you now believe, and it becomes a cycle until you yourself possesses the strength of will to say, "I know who I am and I don't need anyone else to verify." The second to last stanza expresses that nothing anyone may say is concrete and what people think of you will change. The only opinion that truly matters in the end is your own. 

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