Letting Go | Teen Ink

Letting Go

September 26, 2014
By vera-s SILVER, Huntington, New York
vera-s SILVER, Huntington, New York
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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whether you can or can't, you're right

Don't you think it's time

to let go of what once yours?

just set it free and don't complain

stop holding onto the agonizing pain,

thats there when you look at him or look at his smile,or eyes, or heart

now wouldn't that be a good restart?

well it's not that easy did you say

he was the love i met half way

those chocolate mocha eyes

that cut through your skin like knives

just to look at what's underneath

to see the real me deep beneath

just stop and think, i can't forget

you're in my head like a cigarette

your hair, you skin, your eyes, your smile

to see these things i'd walk a million miles

but i just won't, i can't and i don't

you're gone and free

finding many fish beyond the sea

we could be texting, laughing and more

but instead i'm here lying on this hard wood floor

alone tonight,with my love for you stilll in my mind

i don't know how

or why

or what

i just know you stole my heart

The author's comments:

about my ex

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