I run, run, run | Teen Ink

I run, run, run

September 24, 2014
By cameron cooper BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
cameron cooper BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I run, run, run 


Run away from competitors


It's hard like an armadillo shell


I run, run, run


I open my mouth 


I run, run, run 


wisdom runs from me


I take abuse


We all take abuse


I run, responses run with me


It's hard to keep it in your head


Take breathe, my face turns red


The hackneyed stomping of feet heard in the distance


I run, run, run 


This is no longer fun


The destination dimishes


Finally im finish

The author's comments:

This was my fist time running track and field, and getting my first gold medal. This was a great experience after I finished my mom was really proud of me and the rest of my family had a never ending smile. Track is not an easy sport and this is what it's like almost everytime I race.

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