My Uniform | Teen Ink

My Uniform

September 24, 2014
By Moonstruck BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Moonstruck BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My uniform is unique. I'm the only one who has it. I don't know what my uniform is exactly, but honestly who does? I believe it is who I am, and how I view myself. It is not completely pure and unsoiled. No one's is truly pure and unsoiled. My uniform will change over time. That is inevitable. My uniform comes with fears and worries, but it also comes with hopes and dreams. I can't change into different uniform, but I can alter it. I have all the power on what my uniform will become. My peers do have an affect on it, but it is ultimately up to me on how it will look. I am at an age where who I am matters more than anything. Uniforms always have rips and tears, but you and I can always patch them up with time, persistence, and power.

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