The First Time | Teen Ink

The First Time

September 24, 2014
By Amaurice BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
Amaurice BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
dont give up

I remember the first time I started Dancing.
I was nervous and shy, and everyone thought I was so great,
Everyone told me I could do it,
       But I thought otherwise.
I remember watching dancers on tv thinking I wanted to be just like them.
My mom was a dancer so she understood where I was coming from,
When I couldn’t catch on to dances fast enough I felt dumb.
The weird thing is I knew I could do it ,
I just didn’t know how to
I knew everyone was supporting me and that I had nothing to fear.
My mom told me not to give up.
She said one day I would have to dance in front of a big crowd and that
       Just made my nervousness worse.
When I went on stage I was shook,
I felt like I was about to sink away into the ground,
But my teacher was in the front and told me to keep my eyes on him.
That worked.
I knew that I could do it.
That I could make my mom proud.
& proud is what she was.
That was one of my best memories.

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